Joyce Fisher

A Baby Boomer, Joyce Fisher was born and raised in beautiful Massachusetts, where her roots extend back to the Mayflower. After pursuing a career in the corporate world, nearing retirement she decided it was finally time to wet the brush. Self-taught…other than adult education classes…she endured years of trying out various media before happily landing in oil painting.

Without a formal art education, she has taken instruction locally with Steven Walker, Joe Lombardo, Fred Fochtman, Mary Pat Turner, Debra Joyce Dawson, Jim Glover and others. On the east coast, she attended classes at the Virginia Musuem of Fine Arts.

She retired to lovely Ohio, where nature provides boundless inspiration for landscapes…the earth, the sky, the lakes and rivers, the change of seasons; animals, flowers, and the infinite beauty and variety of the trees.

Joyce now spends her time in her studio at the High Road Gallery and Studios and the Peggy McConnell Art Center in Worthington.

Her paintings can be see in various shows around Ohio and near-by states, as well as private collections in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Virginia, Maryland, Florida, California, Ireland and Japan. She hopes you also enjoy her work.

To find out more contact Joyce at or 614-600-4245


Ben Durell


Jim Glover